Our Legal Insights Blog

‘Fake Ebitda’ Makes Covenant Risk in Debt-Laden Companies

Last week, Bloomberg published a story called ‘Fake Ebitda’ Masks Risk in Debt-Laden Companies, noting how bad management is at forecasting EBITDA.A report from S&P reveals that 97%of sub-IG companies that announced acquisitions in 2019 fell short of EBITDA forecasts in their first year of earnings.

Covenants: One size does NOT fit all

The thoughtful drafting uses a standard high yield covenant package as a template, then artfully pares back flexibility that could impede lenders’ right to be paid coupon and principal at maturity.

What Lenders can Learn from the Credit Suisse AT1 Debacle

Much ink has been spent, and more will no doubt flow, following the write-down of Credit Suisse’s AT1 notes. The implications of the Swiss regulator’s actions spread far beyond that jurisdiction, or indeed that particular asset class, and lessons are being learned by investors across the leveraged finance ecosystem.

Covenant CPD is Essential to Avoid Costly Contractual Pitfalls

Our Leveraged Finance Covenant Training now qualifies as an accredited course for continuing professional development (CPD) following approval by the CPD Certification Service, and not a moment too soon. Two high-profile examples of contractual terms delivering harsh results to lenders in recent weeks demonstrate the importance of keeping current on covenant evolution.
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