Our Legal Insights Blog

Calculating Covenant Capacity - In-Person Training

The bottom line is that lenders will never get their estimations of capacity 100% accurate because management has access to all data and significant discretion on how to calculate it. Indeed, it’s very likely that their law firm will do the calculating – and two different law firms may well get two different numbers.

Calculating Covenant Capacity

One of our most popular modules in our Leveraged Finance Covenant Training course is the chapter on Calculation Mechanics. The topic is also most often requested for deeper learning, case studies and expert input, so we’ve decided to make it the focus of our upcoming Autumn in-person event, taking place on 27th September at The Ned.

Empowering the Market with Covenant Knowledge

We have heard anecdotally that the first half of the year did not usher in the new era of tighter terms, despite the shift in negotiating dynamics brought about by market uncertainty and instability. This surprised some, but it does not surprise FLT.

Learn Covenants Your Way with FLT’s Varied Approach

Second only to our passion for creating the best educational covenant content available is our drive to provide the best possible learning experience for those who take our course. That’s why we’ve taken every step possible to ensure that there are educational options suited to anyone, tailored to each individual’s learning style.

Debt Jenga: Avoid a Topple

Understanding the myriad ways your debt could get primed is essential to effective credit analysis. This is why we cover subordination in such granular detail in our Leveraged Finance Covenant Training, as illustrated by this video lesson we've shared direct from our online curriculum.
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