Advanced Covenant Analysis Course

Master the complexities of covenant analysis with our comprehensive Advanced Covenant Analysis course, designed for graduates of our Leveraged Finance Covenant Training course who are ready to take their skills to the next level.

This in-depth program explores the evolution and roles of various covenants, including Debt, Liens, and Restricted Payments, creating an intuitive sense of covenant provisions facilitating advanced and efficient analysis.

You will learn techniques for analyzing covenants in stressed and distressed scenarios, focusing on practical aspects such as liability management, collateral release, and secured debt capacity.

Engaging case studies, including the Monkey Business case, will help you apply your skills in calculating covenant capacity, identifying red flags, and understanding complex intercreditor arrangements.

The course also covers advanced financial calculations, including debt basket capacity, restricted payments, and ratio tests with hands-on exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce your learning. Specialized modules on intercreditor arrangements and European SSRCFs will further enhance your expertise.

By the end of this course, you will be proficient in performing sophisticated covenant analysis and calculations and adept at managing analyses of complex leveraged finance transactions with confidence.

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