Empowering the Market with Covenant Knowledge
We have heard anecdotally that the first half of the year did not usher in the new era of tighter terms, despite the shift in negotiating dynamics brought about by market uncertainty and instability. This surprised some, but it does not surprise FLT.
We cannot expect terms to change until everyone speaks the language of covenants – legalese.
Our students have proven that this is possible. Dozens of students have passed our course, and their feedback is unequivocal – they now feel equipped to negotiate more protective provisions.
New joiners arrive over the coming weeks, and how they are taught to approach covenants now will have an impact on their approach throughout their career.
The time is now.
We want to empower them with the knowledge to negotiate better terms – that’s why we’ve created a new course just for new joiners and juniors– Covenants for Beginners.
Clocking in at just over an hour, the course will equip new joiners and juniors to think like lawyers when it comes to covenants, to identify downside risk, and to anticipate a borrower’s next steps.
Speaking legalese is a critical skill for anyone working with leveraged finance covenants, which is why our courses are popular not only amongst lenders, but also with the sell side, law firms and financial advisors.
In this video, I explain why our online covenant platform is a game changer for your team – not only will it allow them to speak the language of covenants, it will make this part of their long-term memory in away that occasional covenant teach-ins just cannot achieve.
When we can all speak the same language of covenants, we will see terms shift to become more appropriate for the times we are in.
To find out more about our covenant courses, visit our website. To see our online platform for yourself, book a demo!
by Sabrina Fox