The festive season is underway, and Fox Legal Training is celebrating its first year, so we have a special treat in store to celebrate. Starting tomorrow we will post a new video each day from our new video series on Debunking Common Covenant Myths, presented by yours truly!
I am really excited about this offering –it demonstrates some of the most frequently misunderstood covenant provisions, covering collateral release, priming debt incurrence, application of asset sale proceeds and more.
Covenant analysis is complicated, but it’s not rocket science. Once these common covenant myths are clarified, they’re unlikely to persist – and that’s our mission. We believe that a well-educated leveraged finance market is a more efficient, stronger, more resilient one.
That’s not all – we’ve also got another in-person event in the works! Stayed turned for more details about 2024’s first quarterly teach-in, coming in January. Our covenant training programme is truly unique in combining online training and in-person tuition. This, together with our periodic Zoom Q&As, ensures that our students can get their questions answered as they learn.
There’s more! Graduates of our course are offered the opportunity to schedule a one-to-one covenant training session with me. These sessions are recorded and can cover a deal of their choice, so they can come back to the session at their leisure and revisit concepts using provisions they are familiar with.
We’re passionate about covenant education and would be delighted to tell you more about our online training offering. We’ll even give you access to our taster course, free of charge, so you can see it for yourself.
Sabrina Fox