Analysing Covenant Concepts - A Step by Step Video Guide

September 8, 2023

Analysing Covenant Concepts - A Step by Step Video Guide

At Fox Legal Training, we believe that making legal concepts easy to understand is the key to our students’ success. At the end of the curriculum for each covenant that we cover in our Leveraged Finance Covenant Training, we sum up learning in a digestible “Step-by-Step” lesson, taking our students through the analysis step by step.

This allows them to view what they learned through the lens of the analysis they will undertake in their day-to-day roles, and provides a handy reference point for them to revisit.

To illustrate this teaching technique, and to provide a service to the wider market, we replicated our Step-by-Step lessons and distributed them over our social media channels. Each video covers a different covenant analysis process, including: Capital Structure & Credit Support, Secured Debt, Asset Sales, Restricted Payments and Change of Control.

We have included all of these video lessons below. If you would like a copy of the materials used in these videos, please let us know at

Analysing Point A – Capital Structure & Credit Support

Analysing Point B – Debt & Liens

How to Analyse the Asset Sales Covenant

How to Analyse Restricted Payment Capacity and Potential Value Loss

How to Analyse the Change of Control Covenant

Get in touch to find out more about our first-of-its-kind covenant curriculum for leveraged finance professionals

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